Always Flowers Bouquet
Order the stunning Always Flowers Bouquet from Bosii’s Flowers for free same-day flower delivery in London. This exquisite arrangement features a captivating combination of red hypericum, red roses, green chrysanthemums, wax flower, and a touch of eucalyptus, creating a bouquet that symbolizes everlasting love and admiration.
- Small: 5 Red Hypericum, 7 Red Roses, 5 Green Chrysanthemums, 3 Wax Flower, 1 Bunch of Eucalyptus
- Medium: 7 Red Hypericum, 9 Red Roses, 7 Green Chrysanthemums, 5 Wax Flower, 1 Bunch of Eucalyptus
- Large: 10 Red Hypericum, 12 Red Roses, 9 Green Chrysanthemums, 7 Wax Flower, 1 Bunch of Eucalyptus
- The Flowers used for this Bouquet are of high quality, with a Height of 70 cm. The measurement of the Bouquet is between 30 cm and -50 cm wide, depending on which size you gonna use, and its height is 50 cm. It will come wrapped in waterproof luxury paper with water in a Luxury Gift Bosii’s Flowers Hat Box.
Each bloom in this arrangement is meticulously selected for its vibrancy and beauty, ensuring a stunning visual impact. The addition of eucalyptus adds a touch of natural elegance and completes the bouquet with a refreshing aroma.
Whether you want to express your love, send birthday wishes, or simply show appreciation, the Always Flowers Bouquet is a perfect choice.