The Chic Romance Bouquet exudes luxury and romance. The combination of pink spray roses and pink roses creates a symphony of pink hues, ranging from soft blush to vibrant pink. The seasonal foliage adds a fresh, natural element that enhances the bouquet’s overall texture and richness. This bouquet is perfect for expressing deep admiration and affection, making it an ideal gift for romantic occasions, significant anniversaries, or to simply celebrate someone special with a touch of elegance and grace.
- Pink Spray Roses 10
- Pink Roses 10
- Seasonal Foliage
The Roses we are using for this Bouquet are of high quality, with a Height of 70 cm and a Roses Head measurement of 7 cm. The measurement of the Bouquet is between 30 cm-50 cm wide, and its height is 60 cm. It will come wrapped in waterproof luxury paper with water in a Luxury Gift Bosii’s Flowers Hat Box.