The Pure White Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement that embodies grace, purity, and timeless elegance. Crafted with a delicate selection of white lilies, white roses, and white lisianthus, this bouquet radiates a serene and calming beauty, making it perfect for any occasion where a touch of sophistication is desired.
The bouquet comes in 3 sizes:
Small Size:
- White lilies 3 stems
- White roses 5 stems
- White lisianthus 5 stems
- Eucalyptus
Medium Size:
- White lilies 5 stems
- White roses 7 stems
- White lisianthus 7 stems
- Eucalyptus
Large Size:
- White lilies 7 stems
- White roses 10 stems
- White lisianthus 10 stems
- Eucalyptus
The Pure White Bouquet exudes sophistication and timeless elegance, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate modern aesthetics. Its harmonious blend of colours and textures will leave a lasting impression, evoking love, admiration, and pure joy.