A Dream in Pink Bouquet: Same-Day Delivery of Pink Roses in London
Immerse your loved ones in a world of luxury and affection with our exquisite ‘A Dream in Pink Bouquet’. This floral arrangement is a radiant assembly of top-tier hot pink roses, complemented by fresh eucalyptus greens.
Our bouquet is available in three distinct sizes, making it effortless to find the ideal expression of your fondness:
- Small: 10 roses, 1 bunch of eucalyptus
- Medium: 15 roses, 1 bunch of eucalyptus
- Large: 20 roses, 1 bunch of eucalyptus
- The Roses we are using for this Bouquet are of high quality, with a Height of 70 cm and a Roses Head measurement of 7 cm. The measurement of the Bouquet is between 30 cm-50 cm wide, and its height is 70 cm. It will come wrapped in waterproof luxury paper with water in a Luxury Gift Bosii’s Flowers Hat Box.
Transform any occasion into a memorable event with the gift of fresh pink roses, delivered on the same day in London. Our dependable same-day flower delivery service ensures your surprise arrives promptly, adorned with these stunning blooms.
At Bosii’s Flowers, we pride ourselves on crafting luxurious floral arrangements using only the most exquisite flowers. Rely on us to deliver a breathtaking pink rose bouquet to commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and more.
Place an order for ‘A Dream in Pink Bouquet’ today and brighten someone’s day with the timeless gift of roses. Benefit from our same-day delivery service in London and have fresh, gorgeous blooms delivered directly to your doorstep.