This fall-inspired mixed bouquet is a stunning tribute to the season, with its burgundy, cream, warm oranges, and stunning pink blooms. The arrangement is created by hand using orange Roses, Dahlia, burgundy Astilbe, red Berries, and Autumn Foliage, creating a warm and elegant display. The bouquet is accented with Autumn foliage and seeded eucalyptus, adding a touch of nature’s beauty.
- 7 Burgundy Snop Dragon
- 7 Orange Ecuador Roses
- 10 Pink Roses
- 5 Cream Dahlia
- 7 Burgundy Carnations
- 5 Red Berries
- Autumn Foliage
The Flowers used for this Bouquet are of high quality, with a Height of 70 cm. The measurement of the Bouquet is 50 cm wide, and its height is 60 cm. It will come wrapped in waterproof luxury paper with water in a Luxury Gift Bosii’s Flowers Hat Box.