There is no question that this lovely bouquet will make someone’s day. Enchanted Love is ideal for a birthday celebration or for someone who needs a little motivation.
Elevate your gift with our Enchanted Love Bouquet in three sizes: Small, Medium, and Large.
Small Size:
- Pink Hydrangeas 1
- Pink Gerberas 3
- Peach Roses 5
- White Lisianthus 5
- White Wax Flowers 5
- White Carnation 5
- Pink Carnation 5
Medium Size:
- Pink Hydrangeas 2
- Pink Gerberas 5
- Peach Roses 7
- White Lisianthus 7
- White Wax Flowers 7
- White Carnation 7
- Pink Carnation 7
Large Size:
- Pink Hydrangeas 3
- Pink Gerberas 5
- Peach Roses 10
- White Lisianthus 10
- White Wax Flowers 10
- White Carnation 10
- Pink Carnation 10
The Flowers we are using for this Bouquet are of high quality, with a Height of 70 cm. The measurement of the Bouquet is between 30cm- 60 cm wide and 60 cm high. It will come Wrapped in Waterproof Luxury Paper with water in a Luxury Gift Bosii’s Flowers Hat Box.
The bouquet Enchanted Love exudes sophistication and timeless elegance, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate modern aesthetics. Its harmonious blend of colours and textures will leave a lasting impression, evoking love, admiration, and pure joy.