A Symphony of Colour: The Luxury Spray Roses Bouquet
Bossi’s Flowers presents the captivating Luxury Spray Roses Bouquet, a stunning display bursting with vibrant colour and luxurious charm. Each spray rose boasts multiple blooms on a single stem, creating a rich and full appearance. The carefully chosen mix of colours adds depth and dimension, making this arrangement a truly visually appealing and unforgettable experience.
A Kaleidoscope of Beauty:
This bouquet is available in three delightful sizes, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for any occasion. Each size features a captivating mix of spray roses in a variety of stunning hues, expertly arranged to create a harmonious and eye-catching composition.
- Small Size : Featuring 50 captivating spray roses, this size is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to a table setting or brightening a corner of a room.
- Medium Size : Boasting 75 stunning spray roses, this size is ideal for making a statement on a coffee table or as a heartfelt gesture of congratulations.
- Large Size : The grandest option, featuring 100 magnificent spray roses, this size is sure to leave a lasting impression and create a truly unforgettable centrepiece.
More Than Just Beauty:
The different shades of roses in this bouquet complement each other beautifully, creating a sense of harmony and elegance. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone’s day, the Luxury Spray Roses Bouquet is a wonderful choice. Its vibrant colours and elegant blooms are sure to bring joy and leave a lasting impression.
Details and Care:
The flowers used in this bouquet are of the highest quality and stand approximately 70 cm tall. The size options vary, with the small bouquet measuring 60 cm wide and 60 cm tall, the medium bouquet measuring 70 cm wide and 60 cm tall, and the large bouquet measuring 80 cm wide and 60 cm tall. For optimal freshness, each bouquet arrives beautifully wrapped in waterproof luxury paper with water, nestled within a luxurious Bossi’s Flowers Hat Box.