Our Sunny Days Ahead Bouquet holds the promise of regeneration within its petals. The colours orange and yellow stand for empathy, and the green leaves represent power and development. This arrangement invites you to observe nature’s persistence as a visual tribute to resilience. Bring it inside, and allow the energy of renewal to enter your room.
Bouquet includes:
- 10 Sunflowers
- 10 Yellow dahlia
- 10 White Alstroemerias
- 10 Orange Ornithogalum
- 10 Stock
- Panicum
- Seasonal Foliage
The flowers used in this bouquet are of the highest quality and stand approximately 70 cm tall. The complete bouquet measures 60 cm wide and 60 cm tall. For optimal freshness, it arrives beautifully wrapped in waterproof luxury paper with water, nestled within a luxurious Bosii’s Flowers Flower Bag