Fabulous Roses Bouquet
London Flower Delivery: Send Love with Lush Red Roses
Express your love with the Fabulous Roses Bouquet from Bosii’s Flowers. This stunning arrangement
- 10 red roses
- 5 cream spray roses,
- 3 wax flowers
- 1 bunch of eucalyptus.
The vibrant red roses symbolize love and passion, making this the perfect gift for your significant other.
The Roses we are using for this Bouquet are of high quality, with a Height of 70 cm and a Roses Head measurement of 7 cm. The measurement of the Bouquet is 40 cm wide, and its height is 60 cm. It will come wrapped in waterproof luxury paper with water in a Luxury Gift Bosii’s Flowers Bag.
- The freshest and most beautiful flowers
- Luxury flower delivery in London with next-day flower delivery
- Premium flower arrangements for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and more
Order your Fabulous Roses Bouquet today, and let us help you celebrate life’s special moments with our exquisite floral designs.